Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Dental Appointment

Symone did her yearly dental appointment yesterday.  She goes to the Ford Clinic in Duncanville, TX.  They specialized in special needs dentistry.  And, because she won't sit and let them clean her teeth; she has to be sedated.  Her appointment was at 7:30am and we were out of there by 9:30am.  We got home she went to sleep and didn't get up until 8:30pm.  Then, I couldn't get her to eat or drink much at all so in walked the seizures.  We were putting out seizures "fires" all day long.  I was exhausted!  And, so was she.  We stayed home from work today.  I got out of bed at 10am (only because of the phone).  Symone didn't get up until 11:30am (only because I insisted).  The Ford Clinic is a caring place.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

A Loving Friendship

In my last "Neuro Feedback" post I talked about how the feedback has helped Symone with the inappropriate hugging she's done for years.  But, let me also add that she has the most amazing friend, Katie.  Katie fell in love with Symone as a "Friend of the Soaring Eagles."  Friend of the Soaring Eagles is a group of young adult volunteers that are willing to spend one-on-one time with Symone and her friends at the Center or away on outing or at their home.  Katie is a college student and wanted to volunteer her time but, she has since sign on to for respite.    Katie is a Godsend for Symone!  Symone loves Katie and looks forward to their time together.  When they first started going out on Thursdays; Symone would come home and before long she would go into an acute repetitive seizures.  It took me three outing to realize the seizures were coming because Katie was taking her too fast.  They would go to four or five different places with lots of people around.  Symone enjoyed it but, it was still to much for her.  So, Katie and I talked and decided to scale back a bit; that she would take her to only one or two places.  And, it worked.   The seizures stopped and Symone is stepping out of her comfort zone.  Katie will let her pump gas; pay for her own items, help wash the car, and a host of things that I've since stopped doing.  Katie loves to laugh and so does Symone.  They go to the library, the park, the car wash, shopping, Katie's home, the movies and so many other places.  They read books, do puzzles, bake cookies and so much more.  So, in addition to the feedback; Katie is also helping Symone move forward.  I am so happy for Symone!  She has a true friend.  And, we have wonderful addition to our family...Katie.