Saturday, March 6, 2010

Shattered Dreams

I already had one daughter (5 years old). But, I really wanted another child. I loved being a mother. I had so much to give. I would plead with my husband for another child. He would say, "We can't afford another child, not right now...maybe later" Well five years later... I was expecting a baby! I was elated! The pregnancy went great! She was born December 24, 1990. What a wonderful Christmas present. A big beautiful 10 pound baby girl. She was perfect! Well, today she is 19 years old; and in the eyes of some she does not seem to be so perfect. At the age of 4 she was diagnosed with Moderate Mental Retardation and a seizure disorder; still, to me she is a gift. Although, it took me sometime to realize and accept her as a gift. And, she is a gift worth fighting for. So, after the confusion, denial, anger, and shattered dreams; I picked myself up off the floor. My baby needed me and she didn't need me in a dream world (denial).

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