Thursday, May 31, 2012


I've heard only good things about neuro-feedback.  So, we decide to go that route instead on medicine for "undiagnosed" social anxiety for Symone.  When I look back the anxiety started for her as a toddler.  And, grew as she grew.  Then when she hit puberty it went viral.  And, at the same time (puberty) the seizures grew worse.  So, we focused more on the seizures.  We chose neuro-feedback instead of medication because of the med side effects.  Well, she is six weeks into the feedback and I can see a very slight change.  Symone has always wanted to hug, hug, hug; especially at work.  Whenever someone would turn the corner she would overtake them with a hug.  She would get so far up into their "space" it made me step back.  But, I couldn't get her to stop or understand other people space issues.  But, now she's not hugging!!  This is very big for us.  I just realized it today...she is not hugging.  And, she has the most amazing, gentle, authentic doctor.  Dr. Jason Mishanlanie...I just love him!!  I would like to hear from you.  If you know someone or has had experience with neuro-feedback.  Please give me your feedback on the subject.  And remember no matter what you're going through, at this time, it will get better.


Debra said...

WOW Dorothy..I have alwsys known Symone ad a hugger. I am anxious to see the new Symone. You are an AMAZING Mother to Symone.

Anita L. Gadberry, Ph.D., MT-BC said...

So happy for you!

Dorothy Bonds said...

Anita how are you?! How is the music therapy business going for you? Now, music also works well for calming things down, doesn't it?

Dorothy Bonds said...

Debra, thank you for your comment!
I take it one day at a time.