Saturday, May 26, 2012

One Thing I know For Sure

My job puts me face to face with the community everyday.  I meet so many interesting, authentic, and loving people.  I feel blessed to be there.  And, many of the people are caregiver of one kind or another.  They could be Boomers taking care of an aging parent, a wife taking care of her husband who has been fighting cancer for the past 5 years, or a brother trying to find a place in the community for his  mentally disabled sister, and so on.  Well, last week one of our regulars came in to shop for books.  We've talked so many times before.  But, this time I could tell that something was weighing her down.  She told me that she has just retired and will be taking care of her 7 year old grandson while school is out for the summer.  She believe he is autistic and don't know where to turn.  She was in tears. I could see the fear on her face.  She is a loving grandmother and wants only the best life for her grandson.  I can remember that feeling of isolation and disbelief when my beautiful baby girl was diagnosed with moderate mental retardation.  So, I shared with her the one thing I know for sure; "no matter what you're feeling right now it will get better."

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