Thursday, May 17, 2012

Never Give Up

So, it's been over two years and my daughter is 21 years old and has graduated from school.  The past two plus years have been a bit rocky for her.  The seizure activity increased and the type of seizure also increased.  She went from absent seizure to absent, myoclonic, acute repetitive, and grand mal.  She ended up in the emergency room several times because of acute repetitive seizures.  We put a baby monitor in her room so that we could "hopefully" hear when she was having a seizure (lots of sleepless nights).  We had to be do something.  So, against my better judgement we enrolled her in a drug study program using the drug Vimpat.  She has a history of  picking of the worst side effects from most medication she's taken and, this was no exception.  After several weeks on Vimpat the seizures were out of control.  She went to bed with them and woke up with them.  It was horrible!  We were having to rescue her (from seizures) six to eight times a month.  It was a very scary time for us.  So, needless to say we withdrew from the study.  But, we did find a great doctor in the process.   Thank you Dr. Le Roy!  Then, in December 2010 we started her on the all natural wholefood base program Juice Plus+; along with diet changes as well.  Juice Plus+ is 17 different fruit, vegetables, and whole grain that comes in capsule and chewable forms.  And, amazingly eight months after starting Juice Plus+ the seizures are 90% better.  We now rescue 0-2 times a month.  Can you believe it?!  We are soooo grateful!!  No matter how bad it seems...never give up.

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